12-15 November 2018: Seminar on "Applied Econometrics for Central Bankers"


Date and Place: 12 - 15 November, Istanbul
Apply by: 28 September
Event Coordinator: Resul Saltabas (resul.saltabas@tcmb.gov.tr)

Description: The seminar will focus on the application of econometric techniques for modeling the dynamic behavior of macroeconomic variables (that are of interest to central banks). This seminar aims to introduce the main econometric tools and application of these tools on analyzing economic problems relevant for central bankers. Throughout the seminar, intuitive explanations of the main statistical and theoretical concepts will be presented. Using data sets from a wide variety of countries, model building techniques, forecasting and policy analysis will also be provided.

Main Topics

  • Basic theoretical background: Properties of time series and panel data
  • Managing data using EViews: Introduction to time series econometrics
  • Structural versus semi structural models for developed and emerging Markets
  • Case Study 1: Forecasting GDP growth and inflation in developed and emerging market economies
  • Case Study 2: Modeling monetary policy rules for developed and emerging central banks.
  • Case Study 3: Decomposing risk premiums in local and hard currency bonds - Country , currency and liquidity risks

Target Audience: The seminar is designed for central bankers who are interested in understanding the forecasts and economic models but have limited experience in the analysis of economic data. Prior knowledge of intermediate statistics and econometrics is assumed. Some experience of statistical software is recommended. Applications will be conducted using EViews, a standard tool for forecasting in central banks.


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