CBRT Hosts the OIC-COMCEC Central Banks Forum (2019-39)


No: 2019-39

24 September 2019

CBRT Hosts the OIC-COMCEC Central Banks Forum

The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey hosted the Meeting of the OIC-COMCEC Central Banks Forum on 22-23 September 2019.

The meeting was opened by Governor Murat Uysal and the main themes covered the global economic and financial outlook, financial inclusion, and developments in the Islamic finance industry.

The Forum website containing documents related to the Forum activities has been launched and is available here. The Communiqué of the meeting has been uploaded on the Forum’s website.


For further information, you may send an e-mail to basin@tcmb.gov.tr.


CBRT Hosts the OIC-COMCEC Central Banks Forum (2019-39)