Press Release on the New Name of the Survey of Expectations (2021-23)


No: 2021-23

11 June 2021

Press Release on the New Name of the Survey of Expectations

The name of the Survey of Expectations which has been implemented by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) since 2001, has been changed to the “Survey of Market Participants” in order to avoid any misunderstanding in the public and the press that the survey indicates the CBRT’s institutional expectations and forecasts. The Survey of Market Participants covers financial and real sector professionals’ short and long-term expectations/forecasts regarding the main macroeconomic variables such as inflation, exchange rates, growth and interest rates.

The methodology and publication date of the Survey of Market Participants remain unchanged.

Accordingly, it is underlined once again that the results of the Market Participants Survey do not reflect the CBRT's own forecasts and expectations, and this survey is compiled from the estimates of financial and real sector professionals.

Detailed information about the survey is available at link.


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Press Release on the New Name of the Survey of Expectations (2021-23)