Press Release on Sectoral Inflation Expectations (2024-35)


No: 2024-35

28 June 2024

Press Release on Sectoral Inflation Expectations

The Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye (CBRT) starts publishing inflation expectations of a range of economic actors under the "Sectoral Inflation Expectations" publication.

The CBRT compiles 12-month-ahead inflation expectations of different sectors via the Survey of Market Participants and the Business Tendency Survey, as well as the Consumer Tendency Survey, which it conducts jointly with the TURKSTAT.

With the Sectoral Inflation Expectations publication, the Bank will now be sharing with the public inflation expectations of the real sector and households, in addition to the expectations of market participants, on a monthly basis.

Sectoral Inflation Expectations can be found on the CBRT website under Statistics/Tendency Surveys/Sectoral Inflation Expectations.

In addition, the CBRT’s blog post "A New Publication for Monitoring Inflation Expectations: Sectoral Inflation Expectations" also provides detailed information regarding the Sectoral Inflation Expectations.


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Press Release on Sectoral Inflation Expectations (2024-35)