Balance of Payments Statistics


In the broadest terms, Balance of Payments is a statistical report prepared to show the systematic records of economic transactions between residents of a country with residents of another country (non-residents) over a certain period of time. The international standards regarding the compilation of the balance of payments statistics are defined in the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual prepared by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to provide guidance to member countries. These standards ensure comparability of the balance of payments statistics among countries.

Türkiye's Balance of Payments statistics are issued on a monthly basis and compiled based on the 6th edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual released in 2009.

Data are available as time series in EVDS. Click here for access.

Balance of Payments Developments - October 2024

Current Account

  • In October, current account recorded net surplus of USD 1,880 million. Gold and energy excluded current account indicated net surplus of USD 7,163 million.

  • Goods deficit recorded USD 3,542 million.

  • Services recorded a net inflow of USD 6,450 million. Under services, travel item recorded a net inflow of USD 5,116 million.

  • Primary income recorded a net outflow of USD 1,048 million and secondary income recorded net inflow of USD 20 million.

Financial Account

  • Direct investment recorded net outflow of USD 204 million.

  • Portfolio investment recorded a net inflow of USD 587 million. As regards to sub-items of liabilities, non-residents’ transactions on equity securities recorded net sales USD 642 million and government domestic debt securities recorded net purchases of USD 978 million.

  • Regarding the bond issues in international capital markets; banks, General Government and other sectors realized net borrowing of USD 1.807 million, USD 1,658 million and USD 1,622 million, respectively.

  • Under other investment, Turkish banks’ currency and deposits within their foreign correspondent bank accounts decreased by USD 97 million.

  • Non-resident banks’ deposit accounts held within domestic banks increased by USD 1,108 million, with a decrease of USD 295 million in foreign currency and an increase of USD 1,403 million in Turkish lira accounts.

  • Regarding the loans provided from abroad; banks, General Government and other sectors realized borrowing of USD 3,877 million, USD 45 million and USD 312 million, respectively.

  • Official reserves increased by USD 4,861 million.

Data - October 2024


Revision Policy

Methodological Changes

Future Revisions

Note on the Changeover to the 6th Edition of the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6)